I have created a site in DNN on local PC, and I worked with it in Visual Studio 2008.
When it was completed, I transfered it on web hosting.
Two days ago, a new release of DNN was out and I decided to upgrade.
I did the following:
1. Download Upgrade .Zip
2. Replace all the files of my site with those from Upgrade Zip
3. Access to my site on localhost like this: localhost/mysite/
4. The site was upgraded, and I saw a success message.
5. I did the same procedure with my remote site
The two sites were fully functional, until I opened my localhost site with Visual Studio in Debug Mode
I simply pressed F5 to run my site in Debug, the default start page was: localhost/mysite/default.aspx
But, I do not know why, the first openned page was localhost/mysite/Install/Install.aspx?mode=upgrade
Then, a message appeared on screen saying that I have site's database version of and site's version of
Upgrading to
Upgrade done, click here to return to yur site.
I clicked and was again redirected to the same URL: localhost/mysite/Install/Install.aspx?mode=upgrade
But, when I close Visual studio and accessing to the site directly by typing url: localhost/mysite, there's no problems, the site is openning, but there are critical errors on some pages.
My live (remote) site, as it was not recompiled in Visual Studio after upgradem is working fine.
Where the problem can be? And, how coul I repair my site on localhost? I do not want to reinstall it from scratch...
Thank you.
[Moderator modification: removed tons of Word formatting preventing the post to display properly]