I downloaded the install package, unzipped it and loaded it into my hosting server. I created a database in my hosting server, opened the release.config file, renamed it to web.config file, and changed this information in the connectionstring:
connectionString="Server= *************;Database=***********;uid=*********;pwd=*************;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
and also in the appsetting,
<add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Server=*********;Database=*******;uid=******;pwd=******;"/>
where the ******** replaced the values I put there.
I uploaded the new web.config file, deleted the old one, and the old release.config file in the server, and then typed in my domain name.
I got a runtime error, and I don't know what happened. I have followed every installation guide I have seen on here, spent about $100 in videos and books, just to get past this obstacle, but it seems persistent.
I know that the files were in the right directory, because the icon in the browser showed DotNetNuke, but I'm suspecting that the problem is between the database and something else.
I'm using godaddy as my webhost, and their support reps have told me that they support dotnetnuke, and that everything was fine from their end.
What else should I do?
I've been at this crazy point for about 2 months now, and trying my last shot before giving up on DotNetNuke altogether.
HELP, SOMEBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!