I'm having problems getting DNN 5.1.4 Running on Windows 7, I'm sure everything has been done but ....
When I run the Install wizard on the local site the file permissions check works ok but the database connection test fails.
The Error Shown (in the wizard) is:
Index #: 0
Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider
Class: 14
Number: 15372
Message: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.
This is with default config ie: SQL 2008 Express, and Integrated security. The instance name is right ".\SQLExpress"
If I don't use integrated security, ie: sa and password (both sql & win are enabled in sql) the error changes:
Connection Error(s):
Index #: 0
Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider
Class: 14
Number: 15364
Message: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only an integrated connection can generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.
Tis win 7 pro & a new installation of sql2008 express & tools. I can run SQL Express management studio and manually create or attach to an existing database file without problems.
Thanx :)