Hello all,
I have a problem where i'm trying to install an instance of dnn on a subdirectory of one of our webservers, I'll call it www.my.live.server.st.us/subdir. I unzip the install files (DotNetNuke_Community_05.02.02_Install.zip) and browse to that directory. It immediately redirects me to:
myliveserverstus/subdir//Install/InstallWizard.aspx, and of course it appears as a broken link.
If I substitute myliveserverstus with www.my.live.server.st.us, it will browse to that page fine , lets me test the database, and create a dnn database and creates the site just fine, when I "click here to browse to your site" it redirects me to myliveserverstus/subdir, which of course, is a broken link.
Again, if I browse to www.my.live.server.st.us/subdir I see the site, but as soon as I try to login, it takes me back to:
myliveserverstus/subdir, a broken link.
Now I got around this by creating a line on my local host file that tells my computer that myliveserverstus resolves to the server's IP address. This way i was able to login nad work the site no problem. The thing is that I could not delete the default site alias:
even after I added these two aliases and tried to log into them (it always redirected me back to myliveserverstus/subdir):
Yes, I made sure that there were no trailing "/"'s. After I did this, whenever I browsed to either of the two working aliases, it would redirect me back to :
And I could not delete that pesky alias. So I figured I'll go into the database itself and manually delete the alias that was causing problems. So i deleted from the database table the alias:
and left these two:
Then, whenever I try to navigate to either of these two sites, it will give me the following error:
Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects.
I then proceeded to delete my.live.server.st.us/subdir alias from the db, and then navigated to www.my.live.server.st.us/subdir and got the same 310 error.
So I figured, fine, I'll wipe everything and start from scratch, and got the same results. Then I installed dnn on a test server (it worked just fine), and tried moving the site to the live server, and got the same results as above. I think there is something wrong with the way that dnn is reading the server's request address. For some reason is taking the dots out. I have looked everywhere on the internet about the "too many redirects" error, and found a couple of posts saying to try changing the trust level from medium to full. I tried that and reinstalling ajax and framework 3.5 to no avail. Could anyone help me out on this one please? Thanks, and sorry for the lengthy post.