I am a reasonably computer able person. But i am strugling to set up Dot Net Nuke on my website. Could someone please help me. I have completly messed up all of my webfiles i have saved and deleated so much stuff i dont know what is wrong or right anymore. I want to scrap the whole lot and start from scratch, but befor i do i need to know exactly what to do.
My host is 1 and 1 my package includes SQL and supports ASP 1.1
I have downloaded the 3.3.2 source files (i dont even know if this is the right one)
I am useing visual web developer express
I have tried to follow 1 and 1 s instructions, which seamed quite simple, but i even messed that up.
Could someone either tell me exactly step by step how to do it with this web host, or even better could someone do it for me. The site is for a good cause, is is going to provide help and spport for parents of children with special needs, so if anyone is willing to offer free help to get it started i would be very gratefull.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Samantha (myspecialneeds.co.uk)