Any help is greatly appreciated, hopefully just a server issue. I have a brand new installation of dnn 7.4.1 running on a Server 2012/SQL 2012 instance. Everything comes up ok, but there are a few strange issues:
1) When I log in, the log-in window comes up over the site and I can log in, but instead of going away and returning to the main interface, the whole site then loads inside the log-in shadow box. I can click the X to make it go away and return to the site, but I think the whole window is supposed to disappear after a good authentication.
2) Under any menu, the drop-down menus don't work, can hover over them, but they wont expand. Also, the "drop file here" for changing the logo doesn't work. None of these menu items work.
3) The admin/host "File Manager" doesn't load, it just sits there with the spinning circle forever. I hope this is all a server setting or permission somewhere. I gave the NETWORK SERVICE and the IIS_IUSRS accounts full control over the site folder. Not sure what else may be missing?