Having extreme difficulty getting DNN 4.03.03 to install. This is a clean install on a machine that has never had DNN installed on it. I am using\downloaded the Install version. I have followed the installation instructions explicitly but continue to get this error:
Error Installing DotNetNuke
Current Assembly Version: 04.03.03
ERROR: Could not connect to database specified in connectionString for SqlDataProvider
also get this error, it's either one or the other:
DotNetNuke Upgrade Error
The Assembly Version ( [ASSEMBLYVERSION] ) does not match the Database Version ( [DATABASEVERSION] )
ERROR: Could not connect to database
SQL Svr 2000 Sp4 (set to SQL and Windows Authentication)
Win Svr 2003 Std SP1
Asp.net 2.0.50727
I have added a new Login to the db, dnn4, and gave owner priviledges. Also gave it Server Admnistrator and Database Creators roles. I modified web.config to:
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Server=(local);Database=DotNetNuke;uid=dnn4;pwd=dnn4pw;"/>
Also tried setting databaseOwner (in web.config) to dnn4, as well as leaving it at dbo. I also tried changing (local) to localhost, and and servername - still cannot connect and get the error.
I CAN use the above connection string in Excel and VB to connect to the db and read the sys* tables.
I deleted and recreated the db many times. I deleted and recopied the files from install zip, and even downloaded it again and unzipped to be sure. I created a virtual directory and gave it proper permissions. I even gave temporary full rights to the DotNetNuke folder and all subfolders for aspnet, everyone and IIS_WPG
I also tried adding dnn4 user as a local system power user, but that didn't help either.
Pulling what hair I have left out of my head.
Thanks for any help!