We needed to build a module which stores its content in the Cache. Its basically a tree view. I have implemented the following code to store the data in the cache o f DotNetNuke. It works all fine.
To add object into cache:
DotNetNuke.Services.Cache.CachingProvider.Instance().Add(strCacheKey, objValue, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(double.Parse(this.Settings["CacheInterval"].ToString())), TimeSpan.Zero, CacheItemPriority.High, onRemove);
We also have provided a link in the Action menu to clear the Cache. The following code has been written for it which also works fine.
To remove from cache:
Now there's a requirement from the client that the Cache should get cleared when the cache is cleared from Host -> Host Settings. This is not happening and we are not able to figure out how we can acheive it.
Any help on this would be highly appreciated.