There are several other posts about this topic.
Essentially the idea is that you have someone who registers, and based off of what they select, you want to be able to assign them to a Role Group or a Role. Then, based off of what role you assign them to, it will determine which page is displayed as the Home page when they login again.
Here is (hopefully) a clearer example: I have a generic website, but two different kind of user types that I want to register (A and B). Based off of the user input during registration, I want to assign them to a role so that I can assign visibility of new pages. So far, no problem. However, when a user who has been assigned to Role logs in, I want the "new" page (assigned to their role) to display first as the home page (as it has the "new" information that I want them to see).
As far as I can tell, there is no way to assign a default home page based off of an assigned role. I do see a selection under User Settings for a default Home page, but that seems to be a generic setting. Furthermore, when I do set it to a specific page, it doesn't work. Anyway, I see that there are several posts about this in other threads, so this seems to be a common issue. Any assistance or clarification is appreciated.