At present when creating a site I install seperate new default installs both locally and remotely.
Then I build my site locally. Install any required modules remotely.
I am experimenting with th RedGate SQL Data Compare trial to sync the two SQL Server databases.
Two issues presently exist when I sync the DB's using this method this way to setup DNN instances:
1). Web Services Search Engine - If I leave the service running by default on the remote instance, the required tables do not sync. If I disable the service on the remote from the begining of the install then I can sync (not sure what happens for consecutive syncs yet). Now,I don't install any modules on the remote instance by default resulting in no content being available for the search engine service to index if it was left running by default from install.
2). Module Definitions - Depending on whether I have installed modules in the same order on the local as the remote instance I get sync errors on the tables if I haven't installed like for like.
How do I resolve these DB table sync issues?
Better still what do I need to do so I don't have to spend time detailing a check list of steps taken locally that need to be replicated remotely. (other han the obvious of course!)
Otherwise this is a really great way to update the remote DB instance from my local staging DB instance.