Hi. I'm experiencing an issue with the font displaying differently on a webpage when viewed through two different computers.
I used Front Page to create the layout and add the content, then copied the html code from Front Page and pasted it into the html screen of the Edit Text / Html module. Everything looked fine on my work computer. The font that I'd used (Lucida Calligraphy) showed up ok. The layout was good.
I looked at the same webpage using my home computer and the font was displaying as Times.
An example of the webpage follows: http://www.alpacasnz.org/AlpacasforSale/PregnantFemales/tabid/78/Default.aspx
I viewed the html code through the Edit Text / Html module and it appears to be ok. Html example:
<P class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> </P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B><SPAN lang=EN-GB style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Lucida Calligraphy'">Hi ya sweetie,</SPAN></B><SPAN lang=EN-GB style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Lucida Calligraphy'"> I am Sarah and I’m what you’d call experienced. Currently I’m carrying my 8th cria which is due June 2008. I’m a great Mum and very reliable. You can see my second to last baby, Yahya, he’s listed in the "Wethers For Sale" section. I like plenty of love and attention and of course treats – as any expectant Mum does. All fan mail can be directed to:</SPAN><FONT face="Lucida Calligraphy"><A href="mailto:alpacasnz@pacavistaalpacas.org"><IMG style="WIDTH: 218px; HEIGHT: 31px" height=23 src="/Portals/0/PacaVista Sarah Email.bmp" width=148 align=right border=0></A></FONT></P>
I'm using DNN version 4.4.1.
Does anyone have any suggestions why the font looks ok on my work computer but totally different on my home computer? I'm viewing the webpage using exactly the same method on both computers (ie. viewing the webpage through my web browser (Internet Explorer) and not logged in to DNN.