Saturday I successfully upgraded my website from 4.4.1 to 4.5.5! The third time is the charm! This fixed some of the anomalies that we were experiencing with the site but it did not fix all of them unfortunately.
The User "LastName" field (which is the default value) and was somehow replaced with a "Last Name" field (the space is the difference). I think this is causing problems editing the User Profile (which I cannot) as well as causing a problem with my XMOD forms which are looking for the DNN constant "UserLastName".
In the database I can see the row containing the "Last Name" field. I can also see that the "dbo.ProfilePropertyDefinition" has more than one listing of fields that make up the User Profile (it is actually duplicated three times - two with the proper "LastName" and the bad one referenced here). I cannot edit and save the "Last Name" field as "LastName" so I am considering deleting either just the "Last Name" field or the entire duplicated listing of fields.
I know this could be dangerous so I wanted to see if you can offer any suggestions about how to revert back to the original Profile fields without hosing my current live database.
In the Event Viewer I am seeng General Exception Errors and one of the things I see in all of them is that it is referring to a UserID="-1". Would a negative User ID be valid"? Could this be one cause of the problems I am seeing? How would I find this user? All I can see are positive numbers listed in the app and database. Also some of the fields in one of the profiles has "-300" in place of the last name. Is this a valid configuration?
Can I restore just one table (dbo.ProfilePropertyDefinition) with the default installation table to start over and correct this problem?
Thanks for you advice on these issues.