on http://msuphd.artemis-staging.com, the database seems to have become corrupted in one way or another.
Originally, the site was v 4.5.1 but it was goign so slow, we moved the DB to another server - no dice. We upgraded to 4.6.2 - NO DICE.
The site might not seem slow from a public POV, but on the admin side, any time you add a page, delete a page, or chnage a page's settings a few things happen:
1. the server eventually times out after hitting update
2. none of your changes are saved (except a page is added or deleted)
but no copied modules are added, and page settings don't get changed on existing pages
ALSO: the pages are out o order in "Admin > Pages" but they show up fine on the public side... any ideas? this has happened on one other DNN site to us recently.