I have just upgraded from 4.5.3 to 4.6.2 and now have a problem
I used the signin.ascx to which i customised the look and feel to suit my sites design, and yes I know on upgrades that i would have to replace the signin.ascx file with my customied one everytime i upgraded. After checking the code of course.
However, on my last upgrade my site throw an error saying that it couldnt load the skin. So to cut a long story short i found out that in 4.6.2 there was some sql that looked for all references to the signin.ascx and replaced this witht the login.ascx. Basically, it looks like DNN doesnt use the signin.ascx at all anymore. So all i needed to do was to remove the following line of code from my skin files:
<%@ Register Src="../../../../admin/Security/signin.ascx" TagName="signin" TagPrefix="uc11" %>
That worked and the site now loads the skins with the login control instead of the signin control
Now can anyone tell me how or what file I edit to change the look and feel of this file. i have had a good look at login.ascx but can seem to find out how I would go about replacing the buttons with my own ones and also to apply my own css to the username and password text boxes.
Any ideas would be great because this new login control looks bad on my site as I have made sure that it appears on every page
thanks in advance for any help