You can get close. Try the HrefExchanger by Inventua. This allows you to have friendly URLs but if you want a something between the words that make up the title of your page, the HrefExchanger says to use an _ (underscore). I think there was something said about the problem of using a dash, but I don't remember exactly what it was. I use the HrefExchanger on each of my sites. And as I've learned, DO NOT enable "friendly URL's" from within the DNN installation. That negates what the HrefExchanger does. And sometimes, this may not work correctly for every page in your site, especially if you add this to a completed site. If that happens, you will need to delete the page it doesn't work on and recreate it. That's always worked for me. When you are logged in as "host" or "admin", the url's displayed will be the default DNN url's. You will need to log out to ensure the friendly URL's work for every page.
Here is the lines of code from one of my web.config files:
<!-- register local configuration handlers -->
<section name="hrefExchanger" requirePermission="false" type="Inventua.HrefExchanger.ConfigurationHandler, Inventua.HrefExchanger" />
Put the above code in right before, and keep it separate from, the <sectionGroup name="dotnetnuke"> code.
Here is another line:
<!-- add name="Authentication" type="DotNetNuke.HttpModules.AuthenticationModule, DotNetNuke.HttpModules.Authentication" / -->
<add name="HrefHttpModule" type="Inventua.HrefExchanger.HrefHttpModule,Inventua.HrefExchanger" />
And finally the third line:
<hrefExchanger extension=".aspx" w3c-output="strict" check-language="true" replace-spaces-with="_" />
Good luck!!