I'm trying to setup the Google Adsense module, but I've some trouble:
I add the module to one page and configure it like explained on this web site at http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Resources/Documentation/DotNetNukeOnlineHelp/tabid/787/TID/1780/Default.aspx
No Ads are displayed, why ?
I then try to add a HTML/Text module and put myself the Google Adsense Code as source code:
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "xxxxx";
/* 160x600, date de création 13/02/08 */
google_ad_slot = "xxxx";
google_ad_width = 160;
google_ad_height = 600;
<script type="text/javascript"
Strange ! Now the Ads are displayed, in the HTML/Text module.
If I remove the Google AdSense, the ads disapear.
If I move the Google Adsense module down to the HTML/Text, then the Ads appear in the AdSens module.
It seems that the two Modules are inter-dependent.
Would someone explain the best practice of this module ?