Thank you very much for your ideas, I was able to get it working this morning! Part of my problem was I moved email providers recently and the new one handles emails from "myself" differently. Long story short, the emails were going out from DNN but since it was to myself, GMail recognizes that and won't send it downt to Outlook, so I erroneously thought I wasn't getting the emails. To fix that, I setup different email users (specifically for webmaster now, no aliases since they aren't downloaded).
Now that I'm seeing the emails I have two more questions (isn't tha always the way? :>). The email to poke me to goto DNN to authorize the user is GREAT, but it's a bit dry in content (no links, no buttons to authorize). Is there a way to put a link in the email to go directly to the User Accounts page? Or alternatively, how can I enable the Authorize checkbox on the User Accounts table (the one that lists all the users, names, created dates, authorized status, etc). I would like to be able to quickly scan, look at their email (I put that in the table) and click the Authorize.
The way I have to do it now is click the Unauthorized link, click the pencil to edit, then click the Authorize User link. Is there a better way?