I stepped away from building my site back in August and just got my knee operated on yesterday; which is going to give me about two weeks to get DotNetNuke under my belt and the site built.
You might remember I am just building a family site. Each sibling will have a page off the home page and each will be set up the same way:
Daily Journal
Photo Gallery Link to there own Gallery on the site
Video Gallery (to share video on the site)
The home page will be the access page for each of the sibling sites. It will also include a chat feature for real time conversation.
Sorry to bore you with the details, however, I am still struggling to figure out how to do any of it. I did import a skin I bought from DNN. I am still trying to customize it for our use (i.e. - replacing the stock photo with one of ours, replacing the DNN logo with ours, etc.). I have not made any progress. When I read the tutorials on DNN, it just shows how to navigate the tools, but it does not show where to find a photo gallery module and how to set it up.
I also am not sure if I am uploading files in a way that I can use them later. I uploaded several pictures and I can see how to access them, however, I can not figure out how to customize the skin with them.
Can you give me some advice?
If I am over my head, do not feel bad being honest. This is important to me and my family and I need to get DNN under my belt or find another solution. Once I un derstand what I am doing, I am a quick study. Thanks for your patience with a novice.