I have a couple issues with the way the announcement module works and I'm wondering if there is a free announcements or something else I could try for DNN 4.0.2.
I browsed through the DNN projects area and the news there seems to work like I want mine to work.
My issues:
1. User should be able to post short text and long text, one shows up on main page other when you click read more.
2. Ability to handle comments would be nice.
3. RSS Syndication should not go to the main module and force the user to browse though the announcements. It should link directly to the read more page of the RSS title they selected.
Any pointers would be nice.
I'd like to avoid investing cash in a module for this because I've already spent 5 or 6 hundred on my DNN instance for things like skins, commerce, custom forms, photo galleries, etc...