Robert Collins wrote
I have not see that issue before in the core module. Are you using a 3rd party Friendly URL providers by chance?
NO this probleme is since upgrade before 4.84 (i do not remember exactly the version), i have tested before this version and the Banner Advertising run correctly
this is the url (blanc page) when i click on add banner :domaine /Host/Vendors/tabid/20/ctl/Banner/mid/324/BannerId/-1/VendorId/8/portalid/0/language/fr-FR/Default.aspx
page blanc title : Default.aspx (Image GIF, 1x1 pixels) - Mozilla firefox
actual friendly url
.*DesktopDefault.aspx(.*) ~/Default.aspx$1
.*EditModule.aspx(.*) ~/Default.aspx$1
.*/TabId/(\d+)(.*)/Logoff.aspx ~/Admin/Security/Logoff.aspx?tabid=$1
.*/TabId/(\d+)(.*)/rss.aspx ~/rss.aspx?TabId=$1
[^?]*/TabId/(\d+)(.*) ~/Default.aspx?TabId=$1
what is exactly the fonction for Friendly url