Well this problem has me a wee bit stumped. If anyone could help, assistance would be much appreciated.
First, in order to resolve an archiving issue regarding the announcement module (i.e. – each additional announcement pushed the bottom of my website out), I decided to create a child portal, deskinned it so only it’s container was displayable, and inserted the announcement module within it. Then on the Parent portal’s front page, I Iframed the child portal, containing the announcement module, within the parent portal. Voila, each additional announcement became archived within the IFrame, whilst leaving the Parent Portal’s Home page layout untouched.
All fine and dandy and it logically worked out well. Until…. User Registration, and I’m assuming it is the issue, seems to now be compromised.
The Parent Portal’s User Registration is set to ‘Public’, and Child Portal is set to ‘None’. With this setup, the Child portal works just fine, however, the Parent Portal logs out Registered Users who try and access either their user accounts or anything restricted to their registration.
To compensate I changed the Child Portal’s user registration to match that of the Parent Portal’s user registration, only to resolve the Parent Portal’s issues, but now to have ‘Runtime Errors’ within the Child Portals. In fact, this stands no matter what differing arrangement one tries.
To test, I deleted the Iframe within the Parent Portal and it seems the user registration works fine.
So…. Any suggestions on how I can get a Child Portal Iframed within a Parent Portal without violating the Portal’s User Registration? If it is doable, it certainly would add value…. At least to my website