Hi am very new to all this, i knew some about our old site built on php. But someone in our church got us the DNN and it looks great. But i would still like ot figure out hwo to add some of the features that were available on our old site. I am wondering if someoen can help me with the follow:
1 . How do i include (NOT server side) content from anotehr web address from within the editor. For example, in php i simply type <? included 'http://www.somesite.com/somefile.php ?> (or htm) and it showed up on the web page. Is there a way to do the same in DNN?
2. I make my sermons available online and on the old site i could have it come from a query and make each file type available such as real audio, mp3 etc... Is there some one i can do that here or is it called a modul that i can get to include in our package so it will both upload from teh website and be made available for downlord or to listen to immediately?
3. On my old website, I had a prayer chain form where peopel filled out the prayer request and submitted then it would be return on another page for viewing, BUT, i also had a page where i could go to aprove the items submitted and once i approved it, then it woudl be made available for reading on teh webpage. So i guess i am hoping for a way to do the forms, the admin area to approve and to get them back to the website for viewign.
4. I also had a way to randaomize which html files would show up in our article/devotions page and idea here how to do it.
5. (Finally) Also, can just include content from other site which is not a window server and run all the php since that server converts teh docuemnt to html on the server side (old site)?
Again, my problem is that i know how to do it using php but we are trying to go all DNN now. And now i need to learn how to get he new page to do what the old one did as far as functionality goes.
Thankd for any and help!