-On the homepage it is 8 June the actual date, but when you logon as registered user or with host or admin account it suddenly is 9 June!
please check the timezone settings for portal and user.
-The dropdownmenu of for instance the survey module, when logged on as host, is 10 centimeters below the head of the module. Also the background is transparent and the menu text is mixed with the text of the survey and consequently very hard to read. Also it is hard to move with the mousepointer to the menu (10 cm below) because it keeps disappearing most of the times.
this seems to be an issue of your site's skin and associated CSS classes. Try using default skin and container.
-When the survey is once filled in by a registered user. The survey text is not visible anymore for all users. You only see an empty survey module. For the host the results can be viewed and new questions added.
users can usually only vote once and get to see results afterwards. Do not add and remove questions - when you need a new survey delete the module and create a new one.
I tried: module visible on all pages? But then all users only see the results on all pages of the site. No one can participate anymore in the survey.
this setting does show the same module on all pages and is not appropriate for your use case.