List type profile properties - Values Not appearing
I have performed this across 3 * install of 6.2
I have created a List type property called category and added 3 items, which is to be included in the initial registration.
The category item appears however there are no values populated in the list box / combo box
this happens across the 3 instances i of version of 6.2
however if i un-check the registration settings of "require a valid registration..." then the items appears on next log in
I have created around 15 list type items and all perform in the same behavior on the initial registration when the registration settings of "require a valid registration" is checked
the photo image item does not appear in the initial registration when check as required and when registration settings of "require a valid registration are checked
any help on, if this is the OOB functionally or not would be a great help as i'm try to confirm if this is the right platform for a few clients
thanks in advice
Richard J