I find problem, but somebody tell me what is cause?
I Install and Delete 5 time DNN 7.3.1 to find what is cause to make damage "Admin > Site Setting" page?
1. I check Installing module, Nothing
2. Adding Admin User
3. Adding Page and Content
4. Changing site setting
5. Installing Skin
>>>> 6. Apply Skin as default <<<<<
When I change default Skin this error occurred, WHY ?
I go to Database PortalSetting and I change it to Default Gravity Skin and Everything be correct...!!! What is Problem? Skin? no... because it's working as well in other 7.2.2 portals,,,,
This is DNN 7.3.1 Problem.... there is to much problem on DNN 7.3.1
You can see some problems on DNN 7.3+:
1. When I Add New User with Administrator Role, This Admin can not Access to Upload files or add new folder!!! and Permission error happen.
2. When You don't have File or folders of Skin or Container in Path, one error occurred but before you could go to setting and change container or skin very easy, but now, don't let you do anything, nothing....
3. when you install new skin, you will loss Site Setting Page by error
4. Wen you upgrade DNN 7.2+ with Active Multilingual, Your languages not working after Upgrade to 7.3+ and you have to Roll back to old version or make New Website..!!!
5. more other problem and mistake....
I really hope to fix several problem on DNN 7.3.2 or 7.4 because they blocked my regular job procedure ..... :( any body have an idea to share with me? please....