we had two users with the same username "barbarahvastaold@gmail.com", due to some issues in my applications. Those two user-id as are 10379,137956.
I updated one of the user (10379) details through back end by using following SQL queries.
--After update 10379's Email to 'barbarahvasta_old@gmail.com' at Admin's Edit USER ACCOUNTS page.
update Users set Username='barbarahvasta_old@gmail.com' where UserID = 10379
update aspnet_Users set UserName='barbarahvasta_old@gmail.com', LoweredUserName ='barbarahvasta_old@gmail.com' where UserId ='73A09BD2-9EEF-4C54-B11B-652454B36418'
The problem is when we are trying to edit user details in admin page, both links are redirecting to the same user(137956) details.

Those two edit links are:
1. 137956

2. 10379 - updated user

I am wondering that both links are redirecting to the same user(137956) edit page even though they are two different accounts.
Please let me know did I do any wrong in writing queries manually or do I need to update anything more.