Many thanks Sebastian for your elaborate reply, I resolved the issue with your advise as per the following :
I tried to drop the FK but faced errors, but when I shrunk the database the script execution went seamless.
There are the steps:
Executed: TurboUnSchema
alter table CoreMessaging_Messages drop FK_CoreMessaging_Messages_CoreMessaging_NotificationTypes
alter table CoreMessaging_MessageRecipients drop FK_CoreMessaging_MessageRecipients_CoreMessaging_Messages
alter table CoreMessaging_MessageAttachments drop FK_CoreMessaging_MessageAttachments_CoreMessaging_Messages
Executed again (to be in the safe side): TurboUnSchema
use [MyDNNDateBase]
truncate table CoreMessaging_Messages
truncate table CoreMessaging_MessageRecipients
truncate table CoreMessaging_MessageAttachments
Finally: TurboDNN734 then TurboSchema734
I have DNN CE 7.3.4 tried to apply DNN Turbo Base Version 0.9.7 (2015-02-12), produced errors. But with DNN Turbo Base Version 0.9.6 (2014-11-17) executed successfully, checked the FK they are back like before :)