Hi Everyone- thanks for your replies
After several different tries, I was able to figure out a solution. Basically, between the modules, and the portals, I had to allow the following in order to resolve all of the errors coming up after running a google fetch and render report- Here is the robots.txt I ended up with. Note that not only could it not access the JS of the skins themselves, but also for the modules.
User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /*/ctl/ # Googlebot permits *
Disallow: /admin/
Disallow: /App_Browsers/
Disallow: /App_Code/
Disallow: /App_Data/
Disallow: /App_GlobalResources/
Disallow: /bin/
Disallow: /Components/
Disallow: /Config/
Disallow: /contest/
Disallow: /controls/
Allow: /DesktopModules/
Disallow: /Documentation/
Disallow: /HttpModules/
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /Install/
Allow: /js/
Allow: /portals/
Disallow: /Providers/
Disallow: /Resources/ContentRotator/
Disallow: /Resources/ControlPanel/
Disallow: /Resources/Dashboard/
Disallow: /Resources/FeedBrowser/
Disallow: /Resources/OpenForceAd/
Disallow: /Resources/Search/
Allow: /Resources/Shared/
Disallow: /Resources/SkinWidgets/
Disallow: /Resources/TabStrip/
Disallow: /Resources/Widgets/
Disallow: /Activity-Feed/userId/ # Do not index user profiles