I hit a problem today moving a site (DNN V7.2.1) to a new host - azure as it happens.
I bring up the site on the new host using a temporary domain name. Let's say it is "testing.azurewebsites.net". My home page appears as I hope and I can navigate the site until I try to login. When I try to login I end up in a loop being redirected back to the login page. Pretty sure this is because the landing page after login is restricted to logged in users and it thinks I haven't logged in. However, I have used a valid ID and password and I do not get a login error message.
On searching this forum I find
Which gives me a hint as to the problem and indeed when I look at the network traffic the cookie is on the wrong domain:
"olddomain.co.uk" (name changed by the way) being the domain the original site was on. What I don't know is where "olddomain.co.uk" is coming from? The domain is not set in the web.config file - I am not using single sign-on. If Ido deliberately set domain to:
<forms name=".DOTNETNUKE" protection="All" timeout="600000" cookieless="UseCookies" slidingExpiration="true" domain=".testing.azurewebsites.net" />
Then login works and I am away, but of course as soon as I point the DNS to the live domain name everything is going to stop working again.
So where is ".olddomain.co.uk" coming from when no specific domain is set in domain setting of the <forms> tag?