Hi and Happy Hollidays,
I have some time off and time to work on my non-profit association website.
I just upgraded the site from 9.1 to 9.2.2. At the begining , ia was able to search users from the peronabar search, but now, when the search field is empty, it displayed all the users. As soon as I type one character, the list become empty.
I followed the suggestion to clear the app_data\Search folder and reindex the site with no success.
I went to the SQL server and executed the following code:
USE [apsqadmin]
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[DNN_Personabar_GetUsersBySearchTerm]
@PortalId = 0,
@SortColumn = N'Joined',
@SortAscending = 0,
@PageIndex = 0,
@PageSize = 10,
@SearchTerm = N'St',
@authorized = Null,
@isDeleted = Null,
@Superusers = Null
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value
Return 0 row.
If I rexecute the code with @SearchTerm = '', it return all the users.
Could someone help me to find what is going wrong? What log file to look for.
Thank you.