Thanks, Leif. Your suggestion pointed me in the right direction quickly. For those (like me) who are still DNN novice, let me share my findings in detail.
I'm using a default DNN Skin, which (in DNN 4.3.x at least) can be found here:
[DNN Installation Path]\Portals\_default\Skins\DNN-[Color]
Since the portal is set to use horizontal menu - fixed width, I edited the following file:
Horizontal Menu - Fixed Width.htm
... removing the tokens [TERMS] and [PRIVACY] located in the footer area. After removing those tokens, (saving the file of course), clearing my cache, and even rebooting the server hosting the portal, I was still seeing "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Statement" at the bottom of my chosen skin for this portal. So I dug a little deeper, following the flow of tokens, and I found references to them in the following files:
Horizontal Menu - Fixed Width.ascx
... (and other Full Width and Verticle Menu style files)
So I carefully edited the file above, associated with my Menu orientation, adding HTML comments (<!-- -->) around the section of code that looked to be rendering the TERMS & PRIVACY tokens:
<TD valign="middle" align="center"><dnn:COPYRIGHT runat="server" id="dnnCOPYRIGHT" /> <!-- <dnn:TERMS runat="server" id="dnnTERMS" /> <dnn:PRIVACY runat="server" id="dnnPRIVACY" /> --> </TD>
... and commenting out that code worked immediately to disable display of the links "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Statement". I put the tokens back in the .htm file (since removing them didn't disable them for my installation), and with tokens back in .htm but code commented out of .ascx, Terms of Use and Privacy Statement were still disabled as I hoped they would be.
Thanks again, Leif, for getting me in close to the action.