Now I’m a bit of ea newbe, and your comments on it are a bit mumbo jumbo for me.
I searched high and low also
. Maybe you can help me on the way?
This was your comment:
1) I asked this recently and apprently the UI is scheduler for an upcoming version at some point. You can edit the .xml file I believe...
Questions: 1a) Which xml file can I edit, and what do I put in?
2) create a template from the current portal, use a text editor to remove everything except the current page and save it in the template folder according to the default page template.
2a) What does “create a template from the current portal” mean?
I have an installed VS2005 project with install package and starterkit. Is that my “current portal”?
2b) What is the template folder?
2c) What does "....according to the default page template." mean?
2d) Can you elaborate a bit for me in general? (As I said, newbe and dumbo…
2e) there seams to be a default template, "default". Where is that stored? Can I re-use it?
2f) Can I also create default settings for all my modules on the page?
2g) Where do I put in general default module settings, so that I have a pre-configured module sttings if I drop it on a new page?
Many thanx in advance.