I'd like some expert to guide me how to make back or return URL script page with ASP.NET where in case of a successful purchase, I'd already prepare a Return URL (One page contains all procedures needed) in which redirect user back to my site where customer would get the matching return info regarding product he/she ordered to as example:
1- Customer selects Remote Desktop Support and clicks the Buy from 2CO button.
2- Customer redirected to 2CO website and does the purchase.
3- When approved instantly (Credit Card Purchase), it redirects this customer back to the Return URL page procedure in which (if remote desktop support >> send administrator an e-mail and show customer a message that he will receive a PIN code shortly).
And this is if customer selects a small business website template:
2-Same step 2 above.
3- When approved instantly (Credit Card), it redirects this customer back to the Return URL page procedure in which (if small business website template >> send administrator a confirmation e-mail and allow customer either to download the template without making modifications (one time secure download) or allow customer to e-mail someone@mydomain.com with site contents...etc and it will get processed shortly.
I’d like (if possible) to make the back URL has the same of my DNN interface (skin).