Hi Nina
Glad to hear from you, I saw your work, and I respect your proffesionality...
I solved the problems. the language prob was solved by saving the default.aspx with the 'save with encoding' option in vs.net. And the other was due to a table problem 'users' which didn't have a primary key for some reason.
But now I have another problem, which I can't find any solution for, maybe you could help.
I have installed a fresh new dnn435. My site is working with dnn344.
What I need is to move all the users (like 1000) from the old site to the new.
I copied all these tables: userprofile,userroles,userportals,users,asp_users,asp_membership
When I visit the site, I can see all of my users. But the problem is with trying to log to the site as one of them.
I am getting a message saying that the login didn't go well.
So I was thinking, maybe there was a change in the way passwords are stored in dnn4? I found the passwords in the table asp_membership, and they are encypted in soe way.
When I register a new guy, it's ok. But when trying to log in with an old user details it starts.
Any ideas?
Any dnn coder that knows the difference in passwords encryptioning between both versions?
Or maybe I am missing something important?
Shai Eden