I'm afraid I can't help with your problems, but I can sympathise greatly with the frustration... and the pain of facing another rebuild from scratch.
One of the things every DNN user needs to develop early on is a solid backup and restore procedure. This has to be so quick and easy to carry out that you are successfully motivated to do it regularly throughout the day whilst messing with or working on your sites.
Working with DNN takes so much time that you eventually realise you can't afford to rebuild from scratch over and over again... and that's the point where you realise you have to improve your work procedures.
If you work locally, then it's pretty easy to sync folders and make backups, but if you work on a remote host then things might be harder. On my current host it only takes me a couple of minutes to zip up the file system and backup the database and I do this prior to any work I do and after I've carried out some work successfully.
In addition, I note every single modification step I make to any item in my portal. It's simply not possible to offer DNN based services without good processes. I've seen some horrific failures around lately and narrowly avoided one myself recently. This has caused me to upgrade my hosting account for better access and speed and also to ensure I don't lull myself into feeling secure just because things go well for a period.
Backing up is still not ideal. Being a well-trained expert in all things DNN-related would be better... but then I probably wouldn't be using DNN if I were that capable... so backup and restore is the only way.
I'm posting in an effort to save others who are starting out a lot of time and energy.