I want to redirect list view form images to detail view form for clicking of images but it’s not work even I use different combination in <a> tag
1-<xmod:field name="Thumbnail" usevalue="true"/>
2-<xmod:field name="Thumbnail" usevalue="true" detaillink="true"/>
3-<xmod:field name="Thumbnail" />
4- Remove <a> then no result find.
List view form
<xmod:listviewstyle repeatdirection="horizontal" repeatcolumns="3" borderwidth="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="13" bordercolor="#123456" prevtext
="Prev" nexttext
="Next" showheader="true" showpager="true" forecolor="black" class="NormalBold" align="center" />
<table border="0px" width="146">
<td align="center"><a href="<xmod:field name="Thumbnail" usevalue="true"/>"><img border=0 src="<xmod:field name="Thumbnail" usevalue="true"/>" alt="<xmod:field name="Caption"/>" /></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#EDE9ED"><p align="center"><xmod:field name="Caption" detaillink="true" /></p></td>