mcunn wroteOk, I'll bite on this one. We are a custom ASP/ASP.Net shop in business since 1996 that has been using DNN for about 6 months. In that time we've launched 3 200-500 page DNN sites and 5 smaller DNN sites so I feel qualified to offer an opinion..
Out of the box it's an ugly pimple faced kid. The default skins aren't the prettiest in the world nor the most complex but if you take the time to read the skinning manual then you discover how easy it is to build your own skins and how easy it is to make those skins jump through hoops better than just about any product I've seen. I can set loose a designer in dreamweaver and know that their vision can be realized with minimal accomidation for DNN.
Some of the modules, even the core ones are still immature but they are getting better all the time. The quality of the code has improved tremendously over the past 6 months due to the new release process. We have had to customize most of the modules in some way to meet client needs but the changes take a few hours vs days/weeks to develop an in house solution. Occasionally we have strayed from the core and found excelent 3rd party alternatives (Ventrian's Simple Gallery and News Modules, Active Forums, and Telerik's Nav Providers/Editor) who also provided high quality modules.
I think there is a divide in the DNN community between developers such as my firm who view DNN as a great framework to lean on when developing custom portal solutions to our clients and end users who want it to work out of the box as a packaged piece of software. I think that DNN although maturing is still weak in supporting the latter.
I am still coming up to speed on ASP.NET and recently updated my skill set on VB 2005 (thinking all the time I ought be C#'n :)... BTW, what are your thoughts on that? I know C++.
I've been digging at the source of the core framework and like I've said before... Its good code. When it comes to this Portal and/or CMS stuff my experience has been in Mambo, Joomla, Ektron CMS etc etc. Generally speaking in recent years I've worked with the "PC Entertainment Commercial 'AAA' arena" and the financial collections networks... contract work on that stuff.
Recently we were requested to set up a site that we could have done in Joomla for example. Unfortunately the entity we did it for is not very computer savvy and Joomla is a beastie to teach to someone more or less some-one(s) LOL :)
I'd messed with DNN sometime back and found for another site we worked on that it simply would never handle the user load. Version 2.xx as I recall. With this opportunity it seemed as DNN was a perfect fit. For the most part it's worked quite well, we are still not certain of how much load it can handle. Most modules have worked fine, we bought a few that are just garbage, live n learn. The only core module thats been a problem has been the forums, many others in these threads have shared varied issues. In many cases in "hunting" for fixes its been end developers who fixed bugs and shared the fixes... Nice thing about Open Source.
We have however noted through such readings that we simply cannot rely on those forums to work and they are critical to many sites, not just our work. As such I started work on a bridge to PHPBB. Once its done I'll see what I can do or talk with the developers to help integrate it farther into the framework.
I completely agree with you that DNN is an excellent framework and I DO understand the volunteer level stuff that are the modules. I agree that there is a seperation between dev's and your average webmaster. However, the average webmaster is the most prolific client. Microsoft realizes this in all areas of software. It is why they are (or one reason shall I say) moving towards user enabled engineering. I'd asked before in another thread (on the DNN 4.5 release as I recall) who is the DNN target customer and what are the long term goals. If the goals have no future financial interest and DNN is a experimental framework sandbox then how's to get from here to there dont matter. If however the goal is to get both user and commercial level installations with interests then thats a different game. That would mean that a commercial calibur focus must be maintained across the core modules as well by the DNN inner core. As a ASP/ASP.NET dev house using DNN you are aware of this I am sure. When your client comes to you and says, "When I do this I get this long message saying, Exception...this/that" you are on it. You cant say, "Well maybe in the next module release it'll be fixed" as your client will not be pleased.
IMHO given my commercial experience DNN cant and will not reach what could be HIGHLY profitable future prospects without the synchronization of core modules with core framework release. Again, I do not know if they have commercial interests. There is no reason however that Shaun etc. cannot or even are not (?) millionaires over and over if that is a concern except for the fact that the "Full package" needs to be just that. Bugs need be squashed and patches to squash them released as bugs are fixed. Core modules should IMHO be held to a standard on killin' bugs. If a bug is reported it is expected to be addressed and dealt with in a timely fashion as again, it reflects on DNN.
If ISV's who yield limited core modules to the project dont address the bugs its simply bad for DNN. Its why I said that all core modules should be DNN property. If I develop "DNN Streaming MP3" and contribute to the core but also have a release that does more the code I contributed to the core should be DNN property. If for whatever reason, I dont have time to work on it, I no longer do any DNN development, I sell my company on and on DotNetNuke is ensured that the code they have can be worked on, expanded by someone else and still be part of the project.
I realize that DNN apparently only in recent times has worked to bring together things such as release processes and attempt to refine things and thats great! I would however attempt to impress upon them that the framework itself to "prove itself" to prospect clients is only as good as the core modules as this is what the end client see's/uses and the visitors/users of the given portal(s).
These sorts of personnel issues are always difficult especially in volunteer projects be they software or say even volunteer landscaping... Just about anything. Look at the spoof that caused the Joomla guys to break away from Mambo, the "interests".
Perhaps the core could query some folks at Microsoft about it. See, programmers think logic. Whether its marketing or people we tend to think/look at things logical. I did this for a LONG LONG time. Then I met my lady who is simply brilliant at marketing, politics, people, personnel management and those thought processes. I've learned a TON but not all of it.
Marketing is more complex than software engineering.
Personnel is more complex than software engineering.
People are more complex than software engineering.
I refused to believe any of it for a long long time but its true.
The reason its true is in engineering we are dealing with finites. Work in work out, processes, strategies etc. all can be built into a logical format and heirarchy. Unfortunately marketing, personnel, people are full of random and constant variables and just COUNTLESS exceptions! LOL.
I cannot BEGIN to tell you how many commercial firms I have done work for over my nearly 30+ years of coding that never saw success or the true broad reach of their work done because of missing those three facets in the work done.
Loose control in engineering can yield brilliance and wide acceptance of a prospect product while it "gets a roll on" and people use it. Strict control and expectations are what takes what was loose control and brings it to fruition. This is in fact how most "AAA" bestseller games (be they console, online or PC) make the BIG bucks. They start as storyboards and designs take shape. Loose engineering, graphics and more start bringing it alive. As time progresses that loose control tightens up and I do mean significantly to a very strict control as this is the only way to make it come to fruition. You can often see in many titles where "it just never quire happened that way" as bugs/logic went unaddressed, storyline's go awry making the end user go, "Ummm... huh?" on and on.
From what I can see as DNN transitioned into .NET 2.0 making it a more efficient framework, the fact this technology will continue to advance (portal based web's/intranets) and that people/businesses are looking for tools that THEY can work with and create with WITHOUT having to be a software engineer that maybe its time to go strict.
Again, real hard to do when things are on a volunteer basis but it comes down to a commitment. Are DNN prospects/users adversely affected by issues within modules that are not promptly addressed? What are DNN's objectives for this big world we live in? How reliant is DNN on core projects and what is that level of importance to DNN's future. in other words, if DNN management decides "We are taking this road as the future path of DNN" all of a sudden are they left without blogs, chat, forums whatall. Clearly an unacceptable prospect.
I'm certainly no eggspurt on project management and all facets thereof. However, Microsoft has folks that are. Since DNN has close ties to the corporation it might be something to speak with them about. "How do we as the DNN core get from here to there" (wherever there may be). How do we structure this project's facets from releases to synchronization of modules to releases and deal with ownership aspects of core codes and the expectations of the volunteers associated... on and on...
Its complex stuff.
Again, its not a rant or whining...
I really think DNN has a shot at the "bigtime" be that commercial/public or both. To be "The tool" for business, privateers, entrepeneurs or the average Joe/sephine to set up highly interactive sites/resources/applications that are SUCCESSFUL. To be a globally known term, like "Windows". I'd love nothing better than to see Shaun and Bill and those who have staked so much into DNN to see the vision they have had come to the full fruition of those visions.
I for one am very appreciative of all of them as well as the core module developers. I offer a view from the outside looking in, reading the forums working with the application and my experiences in the world of computing, people, marketing etc.
I am not attempting to be critical of anything nor do I have any clue what the long term vision/goals are for DNN. What I do know is that DNN has just enormous potential and that this potential appears to be unrealized in the project modules arena when it comes to "It all works together period" from release to release and thats very important. To the end users as can be witnessed in posts its what they care about.