It is possible but with some work and will only work for "some" modules such as the HTML/Text.
DNN generates a div wrapper inside the content pane of the container around the content of the module. Modules such as the HTML/Text module, generates another div with the style "Normal" within that wrapper div. When you place stuff such as the Title control inside the container's content area, the first wrapper div will be attached under your Title control span that is generated. To be able to display your title information followed by the content, you will have to override the style for divs nested in your content pane to display as inline instead of block.
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td id="ContentPane" runat="server" align="center" class="MyContentClass"><dnn:TITLE runat="server" id="dnnTITLE" CssClass="MyTitleClass" />--
<dnn:ACTIONS runat="server" id="dnnACTIONS" />
<dnn:ACTIONBUTTON1 runat="server" id="dnnACTIONBUTTON1" CommandName="AddContent.Action" DisplayIcon="True" DisplayLink="True" />
<dnn:ACTIONBUTTON2 runat="server" id="dnnACTIONBUTTON2" CommandName="SyndicateModule.Action" DisplayIcon="True" DisplayLink="False" />
<dnn:ACTIONBUTTON3 runat="server" id="dnnACTIONBUTTON3" CommandName="PrintModule.Action" DisplayIcon="True" DisplayLink="False" />
<dnn:ACTIONBUTTON4 runat="server" id="dnnACTIONBUTTON4" CommandName="ModuleSettings.Action" DisplayIcon="True" DisplayLink="False" />
.MyContentClass div
Should be something like that. Note though, all divs inside the module will default to display inline unless they specify otherwise. Of course, this setting would hose many different modules that assume the current display mode is block.
Also, in the HTML/Text module, you have to make sure you content is not wrapped in the editor with <p></p> tags.