Context: I'm an accidental techie and DNN novice. Have searched the forums and skimmed the literature to no avail. Under some pressure to deploy a web portal solution for a 501(c) non-profit in New York whose current web presence dates to the late 90's!
With my standard installation of DNN 3.1.0 on GoDaddy, the configuration files (ascx & css) in my skins set the modules (or is this a pane issue?) to resize horizontally when an adjacent module is minimized. I want to turn this behaviour off, and simply have static, fixed width modules. My efforts at editing the config files so far amount to (in MySkin.ascx) changing lines like
<TABLE width="100%" height="25" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<TABLE width="200" height="25" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
of course (with the benefit of hindsight), this simply results in all containers having the same width, whereas I'd ideally want (e.g.) 200px, 600px, 200px fixed for left, center and right panes respectively.
I'm sure this must be trivial. Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction!