You could simply replace the Logo skin object with a content pane. Then you can insert a Text/HTML module and add logos and text as you please. This also allows anyone with edit rights on the module to alter the text and images. Would that suit?
In the ascx file of the skin you're using, replace this:
<TD vAlign="middle" align="left"><dnn:LOGO runat="server" id="dnnLOGO" /></TD>
With this:
<TD class="logopane" id="LogoPane" runat="server" valign="top"></TD>
Then add a class .logopane{} to your skin.css in case you ever need to style the pane.
When you refresh the site you'll see the new pane listed in the dropdown on the control panel.
Note that you can also make the change in the HTML files for your skin, but the logo pane code will look this this instead:
<TD vAlign="middle" align="left">[LOGO]</TD>
And then you will need to click the link on the skins page to Parse the skin again, which will generate a new ascx file containing the changes.
Or would it be easier to create logo graphics with the text layered onto them? Depends how often it needs to change.