Please look code below,It's from my Homepage.ascx ,The skin file that DNN create through the "upload skin"
<td background="<%= SkinPath %>TopPaneBg.gif" id="TopPane" runat="server">
' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^it have a "runat=server" and a background mark.
<td background="<%= SkinPath %>leftLine.jpg">
'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ it have background mark,,bug have not the runat=server.
Now let's look the last html code after run homepage:
<td id="dnn_TopPane" background="<%= SkinPath %>TopPaneBg.gif">
<td background="/aofei/Portals/0/Skins/aofei_white/leftLine.jpg">
The sentence with "runat=server" has error,and the sentence without "runat=server" is correct parse.
My DNN version is 4.82.
Pls have a look at it, Thanks!!!!