Building a specialized container. When going thru my testing of different setting, I've noticed a strange problem with my container. When I disable print, I still get HTML generated, which causes a blank line to appear, and being a bit of a perfectionist, it's driving me crazy.
container.xml snippet:
Container HTML snippet:
<td valign="center" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">[ACTIONBUTTON:2]</td>
Symptom matrix:
Module Settings / Allow Print checked .. generated HTML:
<img title="Print" src="/DNN3/images/print.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
Module Settings / Allow Print unchecked... generated HTML:
From what I can determine, this is the only module.actions component that generates the nbsp tags when not selected to display. Tried with RSS and when Module Settings / Allow Syndication was unchecked, NO HTML was generated. The row containing the "print" tag, should collapse when there are no objects to be displayed (the usual case). However, when you imbed the print command (via [ACTIONBUTTON]), you always get the . Net effect, and extra blank line in the HTML output, which in my case changes the format I want. As a bypass, I am removing the print action from the container.htm file.
Quick question:
1) Is there a quick fix to cause "no print" selection to generate "no html"? or is this a code change?
This is a bug, although comparatively, a minor bug, but I'm hoping for a fix that would allow the person designing the web page to have the flexibility of enabling or disabling print, and when disabling print not have an extra blank line on the page.
When you say "no feature", you should no HTML fallout.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts on a workaround other than not supporting the print function in this case.