I know the subject is a bit fuzzy, but here goes;
I am developing a DNN site to which I have created a couple of skins, for instance a specific skin for the startpage, another skin with a built-in vertical-menu + breadcrumb/title and an almost empty skin just the header and footer. However, when I do certain actions, like clicking on login (loding the login module), or views the [TERMS] skinobject or goes to user accounts settings, all these modules just shows up on the current skin in use (the skin used on the current page that is) and things comes out pretty ugly if I'm on the start page (which uses the specfic start skin) for instance.
I understand the DNN Blue Skin has an empty (without certain interfering skinobjects) three column skin where all such modules goes smoothly into the center column. I'm affraid in my case this is not possible as my skins contains skinobjects and css divs in a manner not similar to the DNN Blue skin.
For this, I've created an empty skin with just a header, so is it somehow possible to redirect all such modules (terms, login, user account etc) to use my emty skin?
Best regards