I have run into a problem that I have found a fix for, but don't know if there are any reprocussions in doing so. I guess I am asking the expertise that are more familiar with DNN to assist me.
I have a fixed width layout. The top pane is set at width 860px, below is the leftpane is 200px, the contentpane is 430px, and the rightpane 200px. My final row is also three coloumns all equal width of 280px.
I am sort of at medium skill level with CSS but not too familiar with some layout tricks that some people may know on how to get three coloumn layouts not to shift when the other containers are invisible by using only CSS. This is a new area for me.
So my question is that when I set the skins value to 'true' (see below) my css skin no longer shifts when contents to the left are invisible. Even if there is no container located in its place it won't mess up the fixed layout. Is there any consquences that I am unaware of in doing this? or does anyone have any good suggestions in layout using only straight CSS for a three column layout that works in both IE and Firefox, that is compatible with the DNN structure?
div class="dnnBottomPane3" id="bottom3pane" runat="server" visible="true"></div
/* This is the area that controls the left / content / right panes... I had to contain each one in its own wrapper and have a display set to inline for explorer purposes */
.dnnLeftPane { width:200px; margin-right:15px; float:left; margin-bottom:15px; }
#leftPaneWrapper { width:200px; left:0px; display:inline; }
.dnnContentPane {width:430px; margin-right:15px; float:left; margin-bottom:15px;}
#contentPaneWrapper { width:430px; left:215px; display:inline; }
.dnnRightPane { width:200px; float:left; margin-bottom:15px;}
#rightPaneWrapper { width:200px; left:650px; display:inline; }
/* This is the area below that controls the bottom pane from 1 / 2 / 3 */
.dnnBottomPane1, .dnnBottomPane2, .dnnBottomPane3 { width:280px; float:left; margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:15px; }
.dnnBottomPane3 {margin-right:0px;}
#btm1paneWrapper { width:280px; left:0px; display:inline; }
#btm2paneWrapper { width:280px; left:290px; display:inline; }
#btm3paneWrapper { width:280px; left:580px; display:inline; }
Thanks in advance for any help that is recieved.