thanks Jeff for your quick response.
The bread crumbs are red right now... and I want them to be blue.
I have tried a bunch of options, and none have worked, so I have reverted back to the default "visual?" state of the site over all so i can start from scratch...
so, I tried altering the original CSS code that came in the stylesheet section of the site settings folder under admin, i was able to alter it for most everything but the breadcrumbs.
And i am using the default minimalextrapy skin that came with the dotnetnuke site... (side question: i don't know if the css in the minimalextrapy skin package affects or overrides that site settings style sheet editor css... what is their relation if any?)
I also tried altering the color in the css in what i thought was the minimalextrapy skin package that I found in the dnn> portals > ... > skins section of the install package i downloaded to my computer hardrive (even though i ultimately installed dnn onto my hosting site through a godaddy quick dnn install link). And when i tried saving that harddrive folder as a new skin package > zipping it > and importing the new skin package onto dnn it said no skins were available in that skin package??)
so i guess i told you most of what i tried to do but none of it worked. I hope that wasn't too confusing
i figured changing the breadcrumbs to blue would be easy, but its proving quite difficult for me with such limited knowledge.
I'd be happy to give you more of an explination of what i have tried if you need it.
thanks soo soo much!