I'm having trouble controlling the use of the background image of the main menu.
The problem started when I did some experimenting with creating a skin for one of my pages. On the other pages, the red image background went away and the white text disappeared into the white background.
I believe that I understand how this is supposed to work (see details below in blue text).
However, there in no menu_hover.gif where I would expect it. If I remember the ../ notation correctly, the image should be in Skins/MinimalExtrophy/images
I did find Portals\_default\Smileys\images\menu_hover.gif and copied it into any place that I thought might help. Things started operating correctly, so one of the locations must have been correct, but which one? I started removing the menu_hover.gif files, one by one, testing after each removal. After removing all of them, things still work. Yes, I did a refresh. I even closed the browser (IE7)
What's going on!
In the MinimalExtropy/index.html file, the [NAV] token is used.
In the MinimalExtropy/skin.xml file, the main_dnnmenu_rootitem_hover value and the main_dnnmenu_rootitem_selected value is used.
In the MinimalExtropy/css/menu.css file, both of these call for the background image url(../images/menu_hover.gif).
/* Main menu hover */
background: url(../images/menu_hover.gif) repeat-x top left;
/* Main menu selected */
background: url(../images/menu_hover.gif) repeat-x top left;
All I have to do is be sure that the image I want is in ../images/menu_hover.gif