I created one Skin with 7 variations where each variation uses a different column/pane layout, e.g.: contentpane with small right pane, contentpane with small left pane, contentpane with small left and right pane, etc. As the header (menu, logo, overall design) and footer (imprint, terms, copyright etc.) stay the same if course, I would like to organize these parts in external file, because otherwise (for even small changes like adding a different seperator between imprint and copyright) I would have to make the same change to 7 different files.
With the CSS this works pretty fine; for example I have a default.structure.header.css, default.structure.footer.css and default.DNN.menu.css which every skin-variation-[no].css loads with import. So if I have to make a small change to the menubar, or position the logo a little bit different, I only have to apply this change to one central CSS file - instead of editing every CSS file for each skin variation.
Anyways, I still could not figure out yet how to break up my HTML files like that. Does anyone how to do that?