Hi everyone, i'm facing a problem with the XML reference to my skins, at first i've created a XML for each html file that i had in my package, but i need to change that, i want that all the skins in my package use the same XML file. Is that possible?? i'm using the DNN 4.9.2 version.
Example: Students.html -------------> school.xml
Departments.html -------------> school.xml
I have readed the Skinning documentaion of DNN, and there is a paragraph talking about that:
"A skin package can contain a global attributes specification named “skin.xml” ( or
“container.xml” for containers ) which applies to all skin files in the package. In
addition, you can also override the global skin attribute specification with a skin
specific attribute specification by providing a “skinfilename.xml” file. The skin
uploader will merge the skin attributes with the HTML presentation file to create an
ASCX skin file. The following XML fragment represents the structure of the
attributes file: "
I've tryed that in all possible ways but its not working. Please, if someone have the solution help me.
Thnks :)