Hi Jeroen,
i've tried to get your skin up and running within a 4.07 environment and unfortunately failed.
Although i'm aware that Artisteer might be an easy solution for creating a Skin 'on the fly' i
personally stumbled over way to many things so that i decided not to use it for the time beeing.
Especially Questions regarding Pane Layout and Menu Configuration seemed for me not
worth the effort.
The skin you showed in your post seems not to be too complicated though...It would not
be a big deal to create something like this from scratch, which would give you also
the chance to create it a bit more personalised :-)
As a general answer to your post:
Sorry, i was not able to solve the problem :-(
I played a little with that Skin...
You will find within the page.ascx file a line which reads like this:
< div id="MenuPane" runat="server" >
Just to apply simply the standard DNN Menu add the follwoing things:
1st. Add This directly under the last Register statement on the top of the file:
< %@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="NAV" Src="~/admin/Skins/nav.ascx" % >
2nd. Change the MenuPane Statement as follows:
<div id="MenuPane"><dnn:NAV ID="Menu" runat="server"></dnn:NAV>
This will integrate the Standard dnn:NAV Menu Provider to your skin. (Without any skinning though)
But at least you Skin should be able to be parsed within your environment.