Pieter is right with his suggestion about the other storemodules. For quite some time I've been using CATALook store as it allows you to use a spreadsheet to manage products, add multiple categories and images fairly consistently.
There is a good search function available to - but it's a little bit to configure because it uses the fields that are available in the product entry - like isbn, author, free, which can be renamed to your own needs, but may not always act as expected. The store module also has a search skinobject that can be used which allows you to extend the normal dnn search by embedding in store search within the address bar. I've not had as much luck configuring to the enth degree, but I do believe others have.
The store module would also let you link, in an elegant manner, demos, pdfs, images etc to present your product range, and currently on http://www.dnnskins.com I am using it in this manner but taking it one setp further to allow for users to add the layout design to the cart, then checking out, agreeing to our terms and conditions and then downloading the files, like a store but with no money unless of course you choose to purchase one of our commercial skins.
I wanted to give some more flexibilty to users when searching for skins, as even though we can put in some search features, I couldn't really display as well as I wanted that was unique to the user audience.
I started looking around at directories, free and commercial - but then thought I'd look at the http://www.ventrian.com property agent module. It's something we have used over and over again and just love the support given by this great developer, as well as the incredible flexibility of it. While some people use the repository module, and that's something worth considering, I just love the Property Agent module.
Here is an example of the directory when you are not logged in - Actually it looks the same whether logged in or not - on the follow two images - there are examples of how you can configure different information to be visible to different roles.

View or lising without being logged in.

View of Listing when logged in as a registered user.

This will require more work to manage in the long run - but for our needs,a directory was the best solution - particularly with being able to offer a better search option to help people to narrow down information fairly quickly. At this stage it will be manually managed, whereas when working with the CATALook store, it's managed via spreadsheet.
Because you can set the pdfs to be available for download at the preview level of the shopping cart function, it might work for you.
So, although I've shown what I'm moving to - you can visit http://www.dnnskins.com and see how the store functionality works.
Nina Meiers